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The Most Common French Bulldog Allergies: How To Treat Them

The Most Common French Bulldog Allergies: How To Treat Them

Article by: Tom Kings & Geri Kings

Seeing their puppy scratching, chewing their paws, or having dietary issues would make any caring parent worry about
their baby’s health. Frenchies are considered a sensitive dog breed when it comes to certain allergens in their food or
environment, but luckily there are ways to keep allergy symptoms under control. In this article, we’ll explore the most
common French Bulldog allergies that may trouble your puppy, and provide valuable insights on how to recognize and
treat them effectively.

Recognizing Allergy Symptoms
With so many artificial ingredients, air pollution, detergents and basically everything around us, we live in an increasingly poisonous world, where both humans and our furry friends are more likely to get allergic. French Bulldogs, like
any dog breed, can be prone to allergies that may affect their health and well-being. There are several types of French
Bulldog allergies, but before we dive into these in detail, let’s see what some of the general symptoms are that may signal
an allergic reaction.

Itching and Scratching: Excessive itching and scratching are probably the most telling signs of an allergy. Your
Frenchie may focus on specific body parts, such as their paws, ears or face.

Digestive Issues: Allergies can lead to upset stomach, diarrhea, and vomiting. So, paying attention to your dog’s bowel movements and eating habits should be an essential part of your Frenchie’s care.

Sneezing, Runny Eyes: Some allergies can also cause sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes, which should not be
confused with a common cold.

Hair Loss: Allergies can lead to skin and fur issues like hair loss. If you notice bald patches or irritated skin, allergies may be the cause.

Hives: Hives can appear as raised, red, and itchy welts on your Frenchie’s skin. If you notice hives, it’s essential to
consult your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Types of French Bulldog Allergies
As a Frenchie parent, identifying an allergy early on and knowing how to manage it is crucial for providing the best care for your furry friend. Let’s see what the most common types of French Bulldog allergies are.

Food Allergies
If you’re a Frenchie parent, you already know that this breed’s diet is one of the most important aspects of their care.
French Bulldogs are generally known for having a sensitive stomach, so they not only require high-quality premium dog
food to stay healthy and fit, but they also have a tendency to develop food allergies.

The primary causes of a food allergy in Frenchies are grains like wheat, corn, sorghum, dairy products, as well as certain proteins, with chicken being a frequent trigger. While these are the most common ones, it’s worth noting that not
all French Bulldogs are equally sensitive, and may also have allergic reactions to some other types of proteins. So, it’s
crucial to understand the ingredients in your Frenchie’s diet and to pay close attention to any signs of a possible food

The most common symptoms of a food allergy include scratching, hair loss, lifeless dull fur, inflamed eyes and ears often with some discharge, paw licking, swelling, but also lack of appetite, vomiting, and loose stools. You may not notice
all of these at once and the degree to which they occur may also vary. However, any of these symptoms indicate that an
immediate change of diet may be necessary.

Environmental Allergies
French Bulldogs, like humans, can be sensitive to environmental allergens such as pollen, dust mites and mold, resulting in an environmental allergy. Sneezing, itching, watery eyes and a runny nose are the most common signs that your

Three tips from Sandra, TomKings Puppies
#1 If you notice any problem with your Frenchie’s skin or fur and they haven’t received Bravecto or another anti-parasite
treatment lately, administering that should always be the first step.

#2 If your puppy continues to have allergic symptoms after eliminating chicken and grains from their diet, switch to a
premium hypoallergenic dry food and don’t give your Frenchie any other home-made food or treat.

See Also

#3 Do an immune strengthening course with your Frenchie for 3 months, using a liquid or soft chew immune booster

Treating Environmental Allergies in Frenchies
Environmental allergies cannot be cured unfortunately, but they can be managed very well with medication. So, if
you’re suspecting that your Frenchie is suffering from environmental allergies, pay a visit to your vet to have the right
medicines prescribed for your baby. Members of our TomKings Frenchie Family recommend Cytopoint, which is indeed
an approved medication that brings relief for 4-8 weeks. Here’s what another TomKings parent, Madisen posted in the

“Wanted to share a life changer for allergies- Cytopoint injections! Hugo has struggled with seasonal allergies for almost 3 years and we’ve exhausted all oral tablets and shampoos (we didn’t want to move to steroids). Cytopoint was
recommended by our vet every 4 weeks and took every itch and inflammation away immediately. It is a protein that
neutralizes the itch signal – with no harmful ingredients or side effects! Wanted to pass along and hope it can help some
other doggos!”

Choosing a Healthy Frenchie Puppy is Key
If you’re yet to welcome a Frenchie into your life, remember that your puppy’s well-being begins with selecting a reputable French Bulldog breeder. They not only breed parents from a trusted bloodline, but also give the best-quality food
and vitamins to the puppy parents and the newborn puppies to avoid potential allergies later on.

If you’d like to learn more about Frenchies, join our Facebook group called TomKings Frenchie Family to read our
Frenchie parents’ experiences.

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